ISBN: 9788498956757

The true story of Joan Miro and his Constellations

La Odisea de Miró y sus Constelaciones

Miguel Orozco

ISBN: 9788498956757

The true story of Joan Miro and his Constellations

La Odisea de Miró y sus Constelaciones

Miguel Orozco


La Odisea de Miró y sus Constelaciones (WorldCat No. 967285228, ISBN: 9788498956757) was published in November 2016 and provides new and surprising evidence on how the official painter's biography has very little to do with real historical facts, as it has hidden key events in Miró’s life, like his fleeing Republican Catalonia in 1936 after the revolutionary militias murdered his brother in law and threatened to kill him too. The famous works Aidez l’Espagne and The Reaper were actually the price he paid to the republican authorities for his freedom and that of his wife and daughter. As soon as General Franco won the war, Miró returned to Spain, where he lived quietly, helped young artists and cooperated with the dictatorship’s museologist establishment (as well as with MoMA and the U.S. authorities) in promoting them.

In view of the historical facts, the book calls for a re-assessment of, i.a., the peintures sauvages of 1934-1940. It provides also, for the first time a detailed description of how the Constellations series got into the U.S.; how it was underestimated by his art dealer Pierre Matisse, by the MoMA and main collectors; and reveals the true names and stories of the great American women that patronized the series and made them one of the most famous works of art of the XXth century.

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Miró, Joan
Visor, Madrid
Public Note

La biografía de Joan Miró fue reescrita al final de la dictadura de Franco, ocultando hechos fundamentales de su vida para convertirlo en un militante republicano, antifranquista y catalanista, lo que nunca fue el pintor. De esa falsificación resultó una interpretación espuria de buena parte de su trayectoria, especialmente sus obras surrealistas de los años 20 y las “pinturas salvajes” de los 30, visión que perdura hoy en la historiografía mironiana. Este documentado libro del politólogo, periodista y coleccionista de arte Miguel Orozco, autor del Catálogo razonado Picasso Litógrafo y Militante (Fundación Picasso, 2016) restablece los hechos históricos y propone una reinterpretación de la obra de Miró, tomando como eje su serie Las Constelaciones, pintada precisamente cuando el pintor pone fin al exilio al que le había forzado la barbarie revolucionaria en la Cataluña republicana de 1936, para volver en 1940 a la “normalidad” restablecida por el general Franco.

© 2016 Miguel A. García Orozco

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